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Thoughts & Inspiration

God is amazing! He is able to use every word, experience, and opportunity to shape us and help us flourish. In all honesty, I would prefer that He didn’t use hurt, mistakes, and suffering. Then, I’m reminded that in many of those moments, I’ve felt closest to Him — finally relieved with peace, understanding, and washed over with love. 

Was inspired to write today after reading a blog post by Nightbirde titled, “God is on the Bathroom Floor.” See? God uses everything! She speaks of sickness, loss, and pain that is heart wrenching, but honestly writes of her interactions with God. Notably, that she has had many meetings with Him on the bathroom floor. She ends by saying,

“Even on days when I’m not so sick, sometimes I go lay on the mat in the afternoon light to listen for Him. I know it sounds crazy, and I can’t really explain it, but God is in there — even now. I have heard it said that some people can’t see God because they won’t look low enough, and it’s true. If you can’t see him, look lower. God is on the bathroom floor.”

It is not because of God that we must look low to see Him, but our own sin, pride, jealousy, greed, disobedience, and selfishness. We like to put other things on His throne, mainly ourselves. So, we must be brought down to see more clearly His love, sacrifice, power, majesty, holiness, faithfulness, joy, kindness, and peace (the list could extend on).

The beautiful truth is that God is everywhere and desires for us to be with Him no matter what. But when we leave the bathroom floor praising Him for meeting us in our lowest place, do we return when things are well, remembering that we didn’t even stand up on our own?

King David describes God’s omniscience and faithfulness so beautifully in these words, 

[Psalm 139:7-12] “Where shall I go from your Spirit? Or where shall I flee from your presence? If I ascend to heaven, you are there! If I make my bed in Sheol, you are there! If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there your hand shall lead me, and your right hand shall hold me. If I say, ‘Surely the darkness shall cover me, and the light about me be night,’ even the darkness is not dark to you; the night is bright as the day, for darkness is as light with you.”

The journey toward the World Race began on the bathroom floor, praising God for directing me so clearly and parting the waters by providing community to pray, give, and partner on this mission together! Along the way, the zeal got lost as I began to focus on myself, checklists and personal abilities. My focus moved from the source of life to myself, as Jesus says in John 15:5 “I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do NOTHING (emphasis mine).” 

Apart from Jesus, I can bear something, but it most certainly won’t be sweet and plentiful fruit.

Lord, thank you for never compromising who You are to fit into my small and pitiful box marked “who I want God to be.” Thank you for continually transforming it into a boundless and growing picture titled “who God is.” Thank you for the inspiration that you give me through many avenues, reminding me of who You are, when I have forgotten. I pray that the remaining two months in the states would be a time of great abiding in my life that overflows with encouragement and love for those whom I am able to interact with and encourage. That those who give generously and cheerfully of what they have through time, prayer, abilities, and gifts would receive so much more in return through You!


– Confirmation of choice to go in August through answered prayer

– Opportunities to grow and train in a community of evangelism and discipleship

– Hiking/camping gear donated and purchased

– Passport received

– Committed prayer team covering weekly updates and checking in on me

– Partner book to celebrate and pray for partners while I’m away

– Sweet time with the Lord

– Wonderful opportunities to catch up with old friends, co-workers, and mentors!

– Generosity of partners to reach first goal of $5,000

– Time to practice hiking with pack and enjoy the outdoors

– Understanding an flexibility of boss regarding my resignation


– Reach goal of $10,000 by June 25th (two weeks away!)

– Selling items / donating items / packing

– Deep and abiding time in prayer, meditation, and scripture reading with the Lord

– Finish well in my job and volunteering as Guardian ad Litem

– Wisdom to listen to God and care for myself/others well during this time

– Retrieval of data lost on my computer due to accidental drowning by user (that would be me)

– Boldness in sharing the gospel with others



2 responses to “Where Is God?”

  1. I love the image of finding God on the bathroom floor and seeking him from lowly positions. Your prayer at the end also really spoke to my heart! Thank you for being vulnerable in your journey.

  2. Thanks for sharing that Abby! Always encouraging to see God use your words or experiences to speak to someone else. Can’t wait to do the race with you!

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